How to Catch Clefable Pokemon Go - A Quick Guide

How to Catch Clefable in Pokemon Go: Step-by-Step Guide

As an avid Pokemon Go player, I understand your frustration of trying to catch rare and elusive Pokemon like Clefable. In this article, I will provide tips and strategies to help you see Clefable and add it to your Pokedex.

Clefable is a Fairy/Normal type Pokemon initially discovered in the Kanto region. With high HP, decent defenses, and a varied moveset, Clefable is a versatile Pokemon for gyms and raids. However, Clefable does not nest and only appears occasionally in the wild, making it a challenging Pokemon to catch. By following the tips below, you can increase your chances of encountering and capturing Clefable.

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Tips to Catch Clefable in Pokemon Go

Catching clefable in Pokemon Go is not a common task. You need a set of techniques to get clefable in an intelligent way. Let’s see how to get them in detail:

1. Locate Clefable Habitats and Biomes

Clefable prefers mountainous areas, so check regions with hills, mountains, and cliffs. Clefable is also attracted to the Mt. Moon biome, which can spawn Clefairy and Cleffa. Search for mountainous parks, nature reserves, hiking trails, etc. These are prime spots to find Clefable.

Use scanners or crowdsourced nest maps to locate Clefable sightings. Ask local players if they know of frequent Clefable spawn points. Join local Discord or Facebook groups to get alerts for Clefable spawns. With enough research, you can find Clefable habitats near you.

2. Use Lures and Incense

Clefable is a rare spawn, but you can increase your chances using lures and incense. Lure Modules attract Pokemon to PokeStops for 30 minutes. Incense spawns extra Pokemon around you for 60 minutes.

Place lures at PokeStops in Clefable habitats like mountainous areas, forests, etc. The lures will spawn extra Pokemon, including Clefable. Use incense while walking in Clefable biomes to boost spawns. Combining both lures and incense maximizes Pokemon encounters.

3. Hunt During Favorable Conditions

Some weather and moon phases boost Clefable’s spawn rate:

  • Windy Weather: Dragon and Flying types are common during windy weather. But it also boosts spawns of some Fairy types like Clefable.
  • Full Moon: The full moon seems to increase Clefable spawns. Prioritize hunting on full moon nights.
  • Mt. Moon Event: Occasional Pokemon Go events like Mt. Moon focus on Clefairy and Clefable spawns. Take advantage of such events!

Check the hourly weather forecast and moon phases. Go hunting when conditions are favorable for finding that coveted Clefable!

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4. Use The Right Berry & Ball Combinations

Bring lots of berries and Pokeballs when hunting Clefable. I recommend:

  • Nanab Berries: They calm wild Pokemon, making them stop moving and attacking. This makes Clefable easier to hit.
  • Pinap Berries: They double the Clefable candy reward if you catch it. Useful for earning candies to evolve Clefairy.
  • Ultra Balls: They offer a high 2x catch rate multiplier, critical for catching strong Pokemon over CP 1000.

Feed Clefable a Nanab berry. Please wait for it to stop moving, then throw an Ultra ball for the best chance. You can boost chances by getting curveballs and friendly, great, or excellent throws.

5. Time Your Throws

Clefable has an attack animation where it wags its fingers before using a charged move. Watch for this animation and time your throw just after it ends before Clefable attacks again. This gives you the most significant window to land excellent throws.

Throwing immediately after it attacks will likely miss. Be patient and time your throw correctly rather than throwing randomly. Follow the Nanab Ultra ball technique and practice timing for the best results.

6. Use The Circle Lock Trick

This advanced throw technique locks the colored catch circle for guaranteed excellent throws:

  • Hold the Pokeball and wait for the circle to reach the desired size.
  • As soon as it shrinks to excellent/great size, quickly flick and hold the ball. This locks the circle size.
  • Keep holding; don’t release. Wait for attack animations to end.
  • When Clefable finishes attacking, release your held ball to land an excellent/great throw.

This guarantees perfect throws if you time it right. Combine with berries and ultra balls for the highest catch chance.

7. Max Out Your Catch Bonuses

Earning catch bonuses before throwing further boosts your chances:

  • Curveball: Spin the ball before throwing to earn a 1.7x bonus.
  • Medals: Gold type catcher and Unown medals boost catch rate.
  • Throw Bonus: Land nice, great or excellent throws for a 1.1x, 1.3x or 1.5x bonus!
  • First Throw: A 1.5x bonus for catching it on the first ball.
  • Consecutive Throw: Keep throwing to boost this from 1.1x to 1.5x max.
  • Gym Control: 1.1x bonus if your team controls the gym.

Stacking all these can double or triple your catch chance! Maximize bonuses before using berries and ultra balls.

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8. Set The Circle For An Easy Excellent

Clefable has a medium-sized catch circle. Setting the ring for an easy, excellent throw makes catching easier:

  • Select Clefable and hold the ball.
  • As the circle shrinks, release when it reaches excellent size.
  • Clefable’s circle will now stay at excellent size.
  • Throw when its attack ends and aim for the excellent circle.

This gives you a large, excellent circle to hit every time. Combine with curveballs and catch bonuses to boost odds.

9. Use The Buddy System

Set Clefairy or Cleffa as your buddy Pokemon. Walking them earns candy to evolve them into Clefable.

You can swap buddies if you already have Clefable. The swapped Pokemon still earns candy by walking. This is an excellent way to earn the 125 candies needed to evolve Clefairy passively.

Earning candy before finding Clefable ensures you can evolve it immediately. You can then power up your high CP Clefables.

10. Be Patient and Persistent

Clefable is among the rarest Pokemon. You may miss it on your first try. Persist with these tips and keep hunting Clefable habitats regularly.

Please have patience, as it can take days or weeks between spawn points. But eventually, your persistence will pay off when you finally encounter that Clefable.

Stay positive and keep trying. You will finally add Clefable to your Pokedex with the proper techniques and perseverance. .

Final words – How to Catch Clefable in Pokemon Go

Catching elusive Pokemon like Clefable takes effort and dedication. But using these tips will maximize your chances during every Clefable encounter:

  • Hunt in mountainous biomes, especially during windy weather or full moons when spawns increase.
  • Use lures and incense to boost spawn rates in Clefable habitats.
  • Time your throw after it finishes attacking and combine Nanab berries and Ultra balls.
  • Master excellent throws with circle locking and by setting the circle.
  • Maximize curveballs, medals, throw bonuses, and gym control for an extra catch rate.
  • Walk Clefairy or Cleffa as your buddy to earn candy.

Stay persistent in hunting habitats regularly. You can overcome the low catch rate with the proper techniques and successfully add Clefable to your team!

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Where does Clefable spawn in Pokemon Go?

Clefable spawns near mountains, cliffs, and hills. It also appears more frequently during windy weather or the full moon. Check mountain parks, hiking trails, forests, and nature reserves.

What is the best Pokeball to catch Clefable?

Use Ultra Balls to maximize your chances of catching Clefable, exceptionally high CP ones over 1000. Ultra Balls have a 2x catch rate modifier, essential for tough Pokemon.

How to get excellent throws on Clefable?

Time your throw just after Clefable’s attack animation ends. Or, lock the circle size using the circle lock technique, wait for the attack to end, then throw. Setting the circle for an easy excellent also works.

What berries should I use when catching Clefable?

Nanab Berries calms Clefable down, so it stops moving, making it much easier to hit. Pinap Berries double the Clefable candy reward if you catch it.

Does weather boost Clefable spawns?

Yes, windy weather boosts Clefable’s spawn rate. Partly cloudy and foggy weather can also improve its appearance.

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